Bishop Shon Gray
Serves as the overseer of Greater Works Church who is a gifted pastor/teacher. He is an Ambassador of The College of Biblical Studies in Houston Texas and Dallas Theological Seminary Alum Bishop Gray is also Alumni of Dallas Theological Seminary. Bishop Gray has many years of extensive training in expository preaching. Bishop Gray understands the importance of rightly dividing the Word of Truth 2 Timothy 2:15. "In order for us to reach the lost soul, it is important to accurately exegete the text and teach with proper biblical applications." Bishop Gray also serves as an instructor for expository preaching classes in an effort to train and equip the saints for the work of the ministry Eph 4:12. " I would like to welcome you to an organization that has a seriousness for the Word of God."
Bishop Shon Gray
Pastor Edmund Garcia
"My passion is the rescue a dying generation," says pastor Edmund Garcia who has been a member of Greater Works since the preambles of the ministry. Pastor Garcia has been given the God-given ability to expound the word of God henceforth enriching the lives of Gods people. Pre-ministry, pastor Garcia provided for a family of four in the banking industry. His focus is to meet the needs of God's people, particularly in the minority community. He is committed to tearing down the walls of indifference and bringing the dispersed together as one in the Body of Christ. Pastor Garcia is Moved to Houston Via Katrina, from New Orleans Louisiana, and his family are natives of Laceiba Honduras. Pastor Garcia will begin serving as Senior Pastor of Greater Works in 2015. We keep him in prayer during this transition.