Square, Zeffy, & Givelify Makes Giving Simple
We would like to present you with an opportunity to make a difference. Greater Works is a 501(c)(3) funding various projects around the globe that fall in line with our mission- Literal Salvation. Each year, we choose our projects by asking the Greater Works Community to send us their passion! In turn, our people send us their ideas for projects that they are excited to support with their money and time. The Board of Directors will then choose projects that resonate with our community. Each project is funded by individual and corporate donations. We call ourselves the People’s Nonprofit; that means we are your nonprofit. Greater Works does not care who gets the credit so; we are able to partner with other nonprofits to bring Literal Salvation to our neighbors. The call is this- gather your friends, colleagues, and family together to answer the following questions: What do you want to see happen? How do you want to make a difference? Greater Works is here to help you answer the call!
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Its That Simple .

About Giving
Use the Square, Zeffy, or Givelify mobile giving app to conveniently give and track church giving and non profit donations from your smartphone. Enjoy easy access to accurate donation records for tax time.Your church or favorite charity doesn't even need to be registered to receive your donations. Simply search, donate and let Square handle the rest. Donate during fundraising events, worship services, while vacationing, at work, conventions or anywhere else. Donations can be completed in as few as three taps on your mobile phone and access to donation records is as easy as two taps.
Locate: Greater Works Ministries
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